A row of brick terraced houses with purple flowers in the front garden

Find a home to rent

We have homes for rent in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes and the surrounding area. If you do not currently live in a CKH home but would like to, you will need to register your housing need with your Local Authority.

To rent one of our homes, you will need to register with your local authority to let them know that you need a home. You cannot apply to us directly.

You will be added to the local authority’s housing waiting list. They will give you a band based on your circumstances and needs. You will only be able to apply to move into a home that matches your needs.

If you live in Peterborough and a suitable CKH home becomes available that meets your needs, Peterborough City Council will contact you to make an offer. (You will also have the option to apply for homes provided by other landlords.)

If you live in one of the other areas we offer homes, you will probably be able to apply for homes online using the details provided by your local authority. That’s where you can find all the homes available in your area.

You can apply online or directly through your local authority. Find your local authority’s website to register for housing services.