Two people on laptops sitting opposite each other in a meeting room

Get involved 

It is your turn to have a voice in how we run our services and where we invest in our communities. Whether there is one topic you are passionate about or you want to join regular meetings, we would love to hear from you!

This year we are celebrating 20 years of providing high quality homes and building communities in Peterborough and across the east of England and home counties. Throughout our 20 years our residents have played a key role in shaping and influencing the services we offer to you. Our engaged residents hold us to account and let us know when our services do not meet your needs. They are your voice at the heart of our business.

A red rosette with white writing saying you said...we did

We have worked with residents to launch a new programme of engagement channels that will allow even more of you to have a say. We want to hear views from as many residents as possible, from all backgrounds, all ages and from across our varied and diverse communities.

Below is an outline of our panels. If you want to find out more about how you can get involved and have your voice heard, please complete the enquiry form and we will be in touch.

Sign up to get involved


Our engaged residents

Have a look at this video from our engaged residents about why they chose to get involved with our panels:

Join our resident Facebook group

We have a Facebook group designed to be a space where you can find out more about how to get involved and have your say. Within the group you can give us your feedback and find out how we use that feedback to improve our services. So why not take a look - you'll just need to provide us with your full name so we can verify you are a resident when you first join. We'd love to hear from you!

Join our Facebook group

Communications and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Panel

The Communications and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Panel helps us to ensure our communications are easily understood, jargon free and designed for ease of use and inclusive to all residents. You will help us with proof reading articles and letting us know what you would like to see more of on our website, in our email updates and Keylines and on social media. This can be done via email or face to face.

Commitment: 1-2 hours per month or every two months

Complaints panel (CP)

The Complaints Panel looks into trends and lessons learnt from the complaints and service requests the organisation receive from residents and makes recommendations for improvement. Meetings are currently held face to face, either monthly or bi-monthly.

Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours every month or two months.

Estate Improvements and Investments Panel (EAIP)

The Estate Improvements and Investment Panel will look at short and longer term improvements in our neighbourhoods and the local environment. The panel looks at our empty homes as well as large and small planned and reactive works needed to improve estates. You can join this group to look at all CKH neighbourhoods, or just to concentrate on the area you live in. Meetings can be face to face at the CKH office or out in your community.

Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours every month or two months.

Group Board – Resident representative

We aim to have two resident representatives on our Group Board at all times.

These representatives will be selected from the Resident Experience Panel (REP) to ensure that trained and experienced engaged residents represent the interests of other residents.

Please see information about our Resident Experience Panel below.

Time needed: At least 6 hours per month

Requirements: Read and understand documents/training provided

Method: Online and some in person

Neighbourhood Champions

Become a CKH Champion and be the residents’ voice in your area.  Sharing your own experiences as well as speaking to and sharing the voice of others on issues from where you live.

Time commitment is up to you.

Neighbourhood Inspections

Our Neighbourhood Inspections works directly with the Estates Improvement and Investment Panel to carry out inspections for wider resident engagement and consultation on improvements and investment opportunities. It also works closely with CKH Champions encouraging out of Peterborough involvement.

Resident Experience Panel (REP)

The Resident Experience Panel (REP) sits at the top of our resident engagement framework and influences existing policy change and direction.  The REP can agree and guide recommendations from the various panels and suggest areas for the panels to focus on by looking at trends from resident feedback. These meetings are currently quarterly, held face to face but can also be held online.

Time commitment: 2 to 4 hours per month.

Service Improvement Panel (SIP)

The Service Improvement Panel (SIP) is our scrutiny group who gather evidence about issues that affect residents and makes recommendations to REP. They look at all the feedback data we have collected from residents on an area of the business as recommended by other resident panels or by CKH employees. The group will look in depth at a wide range of subject areas. Meetings are currently monthly and face to face.

Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours per month.