Your rent and service charges
We ask that you keep your account in credit by at least one payment. Find information to help you understand your rent and service charges and how to get in touch.
We ask that you keep your account in credit by at least one payment. Find information to help you understand your rent and service charges and how to get in touch.
Your rent is charged weekly, every Monday. You should aim to keep your account in credit by at least one payment. There are lots of different ways to pay, just choose the option that works for you.
You can check your current rent and service charges at any time on MyCKH. You can also see a statement of all the charges and payments made on your rent account for the last six months. If you need to, you can download a copy of these rent statement to provide as evidence of your rent for certain benefit applications, or just to keep a copy for your records.
Service charges are additional fees for other services you may receive in your building or neighbourhood. Some examples of services you may be charged for include:
Take a look at our quick guide to understanding your service charge statement.
We review your rent and service charges every year and write to you before any changes come into effect. You should expect a letter every spring to let you know what rent and service charges you will be expected to pay for the following year (the rent year runs from April to March). It is very important to us that we provide good value for money to the people who live in our homes.
Your rent is calculated using a formula set by the government. Normally, annual rent rises match the rate of inflation in September, plus 1%. So, if inflation in September is 4%, your rent will probably increase by 5% from April. Sometimes the government sets new or one-off rules that we must follow, we will always let you know if there are changes to the rules when we write to you.
You are only charged for services you receive. We include a breakdown of service charges for your home in the letter we send you each spring.
You said you wanted more information about rent and service charges so we added this page to our website to help you understand how your charges are calculated.