Residents performance dashboard
We will always be up front about how we are performing. This dashboard was designed in partnership with residents to help keep you up to date with how we are doing.
We will always be up front about how we are performing. This dashboard was designed in partnership with residents to help keep you up to date with how we are doing.
We aim to deliver excellent services to all our residents throughout the year and we monitor our performance to track how we are doing. This dashboard lets you see how well we are performing against the targets we set ourselves and, in particular, where we need to improve.
The information you can see here is the same data that we use as a business to manage our services to ensure we deliver quality experiences and also to identify areas for improvement.
Our involved residents helped us design this dashboard to make sure you, our residents, have access to the information you need.
The data currently shows our performance from 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024. (You can look at last year’s data by changing the year in the drop down option.)
Please accept the cookies on our website to view the dashboard.
To help keep our website working as well as possible, the dashboard will only load when you tell it to. When you’re ready to look at our performance information, just click the button that says ‘View interactive content’.
Then click on the topic you are interested in: Repairs, Complaints and Feedback, Our Homes, or Health and Safety. You can browse the performance information related to that topic - there are several different numbers that we report on for each topic.
We use a red-amber-green rating to show how well we are doing:
Underneath each diagram, we tell you when the information was last updated, for example, ‘March 2024’.
We’re pleased to have mostly met your expectations and the targets we set for the year. There are some areas where we want our performance to improve:
We know the performance of our repairs service is very important to you. There are some areas we didn’t do as well as we aimed to: first time fix and the delivery of completed repairs on time.
Although our contractors, Mears, missed our targets for repairs completed on time, in most cases, contractors arrived slightly later on the same day as the scheduled appointment. We are working with Mears to improve this. Like many other companies, Mears have experienced delays with materials needed for repairs. This delayed completions of routine repairs where additional work or materials were required to complete the repair. We now keep more commonly needed parts and materials in stock and are seeing a slight improvement in these areas compared to last year.
In October 2023, we updated the way we collect your feedback on our services. Our new approach makes it easier for us to ask for feedback on more of your experiences, however it means we cannot report on the information we collected previously. The figures reported in this dashboard under the headings 'Net Promotor Score', 'Customer Satisfaction Score' and 'Repairs Satisfaction' reflect data from October onwards. If you would like to review older information, take a look at the Residents Report 2022-23. Thank you if you have clicked on the link in a text or email to complete our quick online survey.
The law states we must check the electrical safety of your home once every 10 years. We take health and safety so seriously that we aim to complete safety inspections every five years. At the moment, we’re a little behind our target but all our homes have certificates in line with the legal requirements.
Read all about how we performed in 2023-24 in our Residents Report 2023-24, developed in partnership with our Involved Residents.
Thank you for paying your rent and service charges on time. Most CKH residents keep their rent accounts in credit by at least one payment. We use the money you pay in rent to deliver the essential services you need. We also borrow money from the bank so we can build new affordable homes in the communities where they are needed most.
You can find more information about our financial performance and how we deliver value for money in our Financial Statement Report 2023-24.
Every year, we complete a satisfaction survey to ask how you feel about the services we provide as your landlord. We publish these results alongside some key performance information to form our Tenant Satisfaction Measures.
You can help shape our services by sharing your and suggestions on how to improve. We would love to hear about what matters to you and the people in your community.