A group of people playing dominoes on a table

South Bretton Family and Community Centre

Come along to one of our events, activities or training sessions this month.

Redpoll Place, Tyesdale, Bretton, Peterborough  PE3 9XZ

Our well-equipped community centre is open for various partners and community groups to provide free to use activities and groups which aim to support the local community. These include children’s activities and sports clubs, employability support and training courses as well as health and well-being focused support. We also partner Middleton school who use the centre to help with support for their families.

If you are part of a community organisation who would be interested in using our facilities, please email the team.

What's happening in South Bretton?

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Lip Reading Class


Lip Reading Class   – 10 week course delivered by Cambridgeshire Deaf Association — term time only — Starting Tuesday January 14th — Tuesday March 25th, 2025

Come along and join us to learn how to lip read.

Social Get Together time — 12.30pm — 2pm

Class to run from 2pm — 3pm

For more information visit www.cambsdeaf.org