CKH to participate in Housing Ombudsman investigation

We’re taking part in a Housing Ombudsman Service investigation to look at how housing associations nationally deal with damp and mould.
The Ombudsman Service, which exists to resolve disputes between residents and leaseholders and their landlords, is taking a new approach to looking at wider themes that affect residents across the country, as well as dealing with individual concerns. This is the first investigation to look at a key theme that impacts on residents and landlord’s services across the UK. The aim is to support landlords to share best practice and learn from each other.
At CKH, we’re committed to delivering the best possible services for our residents, so we will be offering evidence about our approach to damp and mould and the impact it can have.
The results of this investigation will be presented to the Ombudsman’s Resident Panel and be discussed at a round table event with landlords, before the final report is published in the autumn. If you would like to know more or submit your own response, visit the Housing Ombudsman Service website.