CKH shows its determination to build more affordable homes

We have once again demonstrated our commitment to building affordable homes and vibrant communities by appearing in the prestigious Inside Housing's Top 50 Biggest Builders for pipeline developments.
Despite the challenges faced by the development and housing sector over the last two years, CKH has featured at number 40 in the top 50 for homes in the pipeline, highlighting its commitment to the future supply of affordable housing in the region.
CKH completed 286 homes in 2021/22, and is expected to complete 509 new builds this financial year. These are in CKH’s home city of Peterborough and also right across the east of England and home counties, where house prices are prohibitively expensive for many and affordable housing in desperately short supply.
Chief Executive Claire Higgins said: “Building homes for the future is a key objective for Cross Keys Homes and so to feature in this prestigious list for our pipeline developments is a great indication that we are getting it right. We are by no means the largest housing association and so to appear alongside some of the biggest in the sector shows we are really making our contribution to addressing the critical shortage of affordable housing in this country.
“The housing crisis is continuing to affect people greatly across the rented sector and those trying to buy their own home. We are determined to do all we can to help to address this by building as many affordable homes as our capacity permits. We are also working in several innovative Joint Ventures to enable us to build even more homes, and so balance the risk and reward to ensure we protect the interests of our current residents. These numbers do not include those homes that have been developed via our joint ventures.”