Good governance
When we talk about 'governance' we mean everything we do to make sure we know how we are performing and that our services are being delivered properly.
When we talk about 'governance' we mean everything we do to make sure we know how we are performing and that our services are being delivered properly.
As a responsible landlord, we make sure:
Our Board and Residents Board help keep us on track.
The government sets certain standards for health and safety or the types of information we must report, but we also choose to go above and beyond in some areas to make sure we are providing the best services and support possible. Our commitment to people experiencing domestic violence is one example of this. We achieved Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance accreditation in 2022 and we monitor our services to ensure we stay at the high level of support this accreditation demands.
We are getting ready to renew our Tpas Landlord Accreditation in 2025-26. Tpas are the UK’s tenant engagement experts and they assess how well landlords work with and listen to their residents. In 2021, we were the first housing association to achieve their Landlord Accreditation under their new, stricter requirements.
We also believe it is important to make sure we reduce our impact on the environment. We have now secured the Investors in the Environment green award (which is the highest available) for the 10th year in a row.
We take cyber security and protecting your information very seriously. Last year, we secured our cyber essentials certificate which demonstrates that we have lots of protection and controls in place to prevent cyber attacks and reduce the risk of your data being available to the wrong people.
"The Residents Board learns about the way CKH runs as a business and can share our feedback on what matters most to residents. I am very passionate about looking after our planet and think it is essential to consider how what we do today has an impact on future generations, so I am pleased to see that operating in an environmentally friendly way has been a priority for over a decade.
Following this year’s consultation with residents, there are new ways to have your say. If you would like to help shape some of these decisions and hold CKH to account to make sure they are run well, make sure you get in touch to find out more." — Karen
Thank you for paying your rent and service charges on time. Most CKH residents keep their rent accounts in credit by at least one payment. We use the money you pay in rent to deliver the essential services you need. We also borrow money from the bank so we can build new affordable homes in the communities where they are needed most.
You can find more information about our financial performance and how we deliver value for money in our Financial Statement Report 2023-24.