Using your feedback
We use the feedback you share with us, good or bad, to improve our services.
In October 2023, we updated the way we collect your feedback on our services. Our new approach makes it easier for us to ask for feedback on more of your experiences. However, because we made the change in the middle of the year, the figures in this report under the headings 'Net Promotor Score', 'Customer Satisfaction Score' and 'Repairs Satisfaction' only reflect feedback from October 2023 onwards.
We also improved the way we ask you for feedback after you use one of our services. Our new system offers more flexibility around the questions we ask, meaning we can capture more feedback from you about what we got right and where we can improve. Here are some examples of the feedback you shared last year. Some of you shared positive experiences:
“I was very impressed with the compassion and empathy that was shown to me as I was very upset at the time. Made me feel valued so thank you to the lady I spoke with.”
“Even though Cross Keys Homes can't resolve everything, they always do what they can to help.”
Unfortunately, some of you shared negative experiences:
“Felt I was spoken down to and not given a chance to explain anything.”
“We phone and speak to someone and they are helpful but service seems to end there. We have a problem with our property at the moment, we are having to chase it up every week, feels as no one is interested.”
“The communication while waiting for the repair to be carried out was very poor.”
We review every single comment that you share with us and make sure we think really hard about ways we can improve as individuals, teams and as a whole organisation. For example, we are working with our teams to provide better training to improve our customer service and make sure every resident feels listened to.
Most complaints related to requests for a service of some sort taking too long to complete or not providing enough information about what was happening and what to expect next whilst it was being resolved. For example, you said you had to chase us for updates about works to your home, so we provided more training for our teams so they can answer your questions the first time you get in touch. We also added an extra Resident Liaison role to our repairs team to make sure we are updating you with important information about works due to happen in your home.
One complaint was from a resident who was concerned we had shared personal information about their rent account with a third party. We investigated this fully and found that no information had been shared. We know how important it is to make sure personal data is protected and take our responsibility to safeguard your information very seriously. All our colleagues complete annual training on data protection. We will always investigate if you are worried we have not handled your information correctly.
You can find a copy of our Complaints Policy and the annual complaints self assessment that we complete for the Housing Ombudsman on our complaints and feedback page.
You may have taken part in our resident satisfaction survey over the phone or via email. We asked just under 1,000 people to let us know what you think of our services as part of the survey which forms part of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures. We are pleased that 73% of you were satisfied with the overall service you received from us, but there is certainly a lot of room for improvement and we are very keen to do better.
Unfortunately, one of our lowest satisfaction scores related to complaints handling. To help improve, we have recruited a new Resident Feedback and Experience Manager who will be joining our team in the autumn. They will play a strong role in managing complaints and making sure we learn from the experiences you share with us. We have also named our new Board member, Jo Proctor, as the Board member responsible for complaints who will be keeping a close watch on how we respond to and learn from the complaints we receive.
In 2023-24, we received 61 complaints, compared to 46 complaints the year before. We resolved 53 at stage one and 8 were resolved at stage two. That is an average of 4.8 stage one complaints and 0.6 stage two complaints per 1,000 homes.
The two services which received the most complaints were our Repairs service (20 complaints) and our Strategic Housing Delivery service, which is responsible for dealing with all tenancy matters, including anti-social behaviour (16 complaints).
"The complaints process is here to support any resident who is not happy with the service received. I always think it is best to give CKH a chance to put things right before you complain, but if you feel let down then you do have the right to complain. Complaints are about having the chance to put things right and for CKH to learn from their mistakes, and that’s very important.
As Chair of the Resident Board, I have been involved in many stage two complaints to make sure things are fair and considered from a resident's perspective as well." — Karen
2023-24 performance
Compared to target
Service requests responded to within 2 working days
Where we need to be
Complaints responded to within 5 working days
Where we need to be
No. complaints referred to Housing Ombudsman
Net promotor score (how likely residents are to recommend CKH — scored between -100 and 100)
Where we need to be
Customer satisfaction score
4.6 out of 5
Where we need to be
Repairs satisfaction score
4.7 out of 5
Where we need to be