Environmental and social report 2023-24

Polytinnel in the distance with flowers in the foreground at our Wellbeing Garden in Dogsthorpe

Our position, as a commercial organisation with a social heart, gives us both a responsibility, but also a great opportunity, to make a huge difference to the environments in which we work. We are committed to improving the lives of our residents and all those who live in our communities, today and for the future. From supporting our residents to have affordable green heating and energy efficient homes, to developing community gardens and planting projects in our communities, we are totally committed to doing all we can. At the same time, the pressures on the planet and people are immense, and we all need to play our part in relieving them in any way we can. Here are just some of our environmental and social achievements from 2023-24.


Find out how we are focusing on community cohesion and helping to improve the environmental, social and economic outlook for the communities in which we work.

Read about our social achievements