Directory of domestic abuse support agencies
In addition to the main national support agencies, there are a number of specialised agencies that are there for you.
Name | Information | Website | Telephone/email |
NAPAC- the National Association for People Abused in Childhood | Offers support to adult survivors of all types of childhood abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect. | |
0808 801 0331 Email: |
Support for people with disabilities |
Sign Health | Provides advice and support for deaf adults and young people experiencing domestic abuse. | |
Text ONLY: 07800 003421 Email: |
RNID - Royal National Institute for Deaf People | Information service for deaf and hard of hearing people, their carers, families and professionals, They offer a chat function and can arrange a video call for information in BSL. | |
0808 808 0123 Email: |
RNIB- Royal National Institute of Blind People | Information and support for anyone with visual impairment and sight problems. | | 0303 123 999 |
Respond | Respond is a national charity supporting people with learning disabilities and autistic people who have experienced abuse, violence or trauma. | |
020 7383 0700 Email: |
Support for older people |
Age UK | Supports older people online, at the end of the phone and in the local community. They provide a free, confidential advice line for older people, families, friends, carers and professionals. | | 0800 678 1602 |
Hourglass | Freephone helpline providing information, advice and support to victims or others who are concerned about or have witness abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of an older person | |
0808 808 8141 - 24/7 helpline Text: 07860 052906 |
Stalking |
Suzy Lamplugh Trust | Offer information for victims of stalking and also run the national stalking helpline. | |
National Stalking Helpline: 0808 802 0300 |
Protection Against Stalking | National charity working to raise public awareness around stalking and support victims through specialist support services. | |
Paladin | Paladin assists high risk victims of stalking throughout England and Wales. | |
020 3866 4107 |
Child to parent abuse |
Parental Education Growth Support (PEGS) | PEGS aims to reduce the impact of child to parent abuse by helping parents, training frontline professionals, impacting policy and raising awareness. | |
Support services |
Samaritans | Talking service | |
116 123 |
Victim Support | Offers support to victims of domestic and sexual abuse | |
0808 1689 111 |
Rape and sexual assault |
24/7 Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Line | A free phone and online chat service for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales who has been affected by rape, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment or any other form of sexual violence. |
0808 500 2222 |
Rape Crisis England and Wales | Rape Crisis England & Wales is the feminist charity working to end child sexual abuse, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment and all other forms of sexual violence. | |
Survivors UK | Support male and non-binary survivors of sexual violence, providing counselling, practical help and community on your healing journey. | |
0203 598 3898 Email: |
Safeline | Independent & non-discriminatory charity providing a variety of specialist & tailored support for anyone affected by sexual abuse or rape. This also includes counselling, Independent sexual violence advocacy service and a male helpline | |
01926 402 498 National Male Survivor Helpline: 0808 800 5005 National Male Survivor Text Support: 07860 065187 |
For men |
Mankind | Information and signposting service, plus helpline, for men suffering from domestic abuse from their current or former wife, partner (including same-sex partner) or husband. This can range from physical violence or object throwing to abuse such as constant bullying or insults. | |
Monday – Friday 10am to 4pm (excluding bank holidays) HELPLINE 01823 334 244 |
Children's support agencies |
Embrace Child Victims of Crime | Support children, young people and families who are victims of crime including sexual and domestic abuse. | |
NSPCC Helpline | Help for adults concerned about a child. | |
Helpline available 10am–4pm Monday to Friday: 0808 800 5000 Email: |
Stop it now! | Anonymous helpline, email and chat services for anyone with concerns about child sexual abuse and how to prevent it. | |
0808 1000 900 |
Childline | Help for anyone under 19 in the UK - 24 hours. They are free and confidential and don’t show up on phone bills | |
0800 1111 |
Young Minds | The UK’s leading charity fighting for a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health. | |
Support for people with pets |
Dogs Trust Freedom Project | Support for dog owners finding freedom from domestic abuse. | |
Email: |
Cats Protection Lifeline | Lifeline (formerly Paws Protect) is Cats Protection's specialist cat fostering service for those fleeing domestic abuse. | |
Links Group | Access specialist pet fostering while leaving abuse. | |
Support for members of ethnic minority communities |
Karma Nirvana | Supporting all victims of honour-based abuse & forced marriages. | |
0800 5999 247 |
Halo Project | Specialist by and for Black and minoritised community national charity, who's vision is to eliminate forced marriage, honour-based abuse and female genital mutilation within society. | |
Specialist Support Hub: 01642 683 045 |
Sistah Space | Supporting African & Caribbean Heritage women affected by domestic abuse. | |
020 7846 8350 MON-FRI 11am-5pm Email |
Foundation for Women's Health Research & Development (Forward) | An African women-led women's rights organisation working to end violence against women and girls including female genital mutilation and child marriage. They provide advice, one-to-one support & signposting to other specialist services. | |
Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm 020 8960 4000 Email: |
Hersana | Providing Black femme survivors with support, access to justice and holistic therapies around all forms of gender-based violence. | |
Opoka | OPOKA aims to help women and children in the Polish community improve health, well-being, financial stability, and happiness by stopping domestic violence and abuse. | |
0300 365 1700 please note the Helpline is answered in the Polish language and is for Polish women only. Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 10 am to 1 pm. |
Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS) | Free and confidential services for all Latin American women. | |
0808 145 4909 |
Kiran Support Services | To meet the needs of women and children primarily from the Asian sub-continent experiencing domestic abuse in all its forms. | |
020 8558 1986 Mon - Fri 9.30am - 4.30pm Email: |
The Sharan Project | A UK charity providing support & advice to vulnerable women, particularly of South Asian Origin, who have been or are at risk of being disowned due to abuse or persecution. | |
0844 504 3231 Email: |
Muslim Women's Helpline | Providing Muslim girls & women with free, confidential listening service plus practical help and information where required. | |
0800 999 5786 Email: |
Sikh Helpline | Provides phone counselling & email enquiry service available 24/7 for members of the community to contact regarding a range of issue including domestic abuse. | |
0845 644 0704/ 07999 004 363 Email: |
Jewish Women's Aid | The UK's only specialist organisation dedicated to supporting Jewish women and children affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence. | |
0808 801 0500 Email: |
IKWRO | Helps Middle Eastern & North African & Afghan women & girls [including lesbian,bisexual,trans women] who are living in the UK, who have been affected by all forms of "honour" based abuse. They speak Farsi, Kurdish, Arabic, Dari, Pashto, Turkish & English. | |
0207 920 6460 Mon-Fri 9.30-5.30pm Email: 07846 275246 |
Savera UK | Working to end ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA) and all harmful practices, through direct interventions and safeguarding, advocacy, education, engagement, awareness-raising and campaigning for policy, attitude and behaviour change. | |
Helpline 0800 107 0726 |