Complaints policy

Approved by residents stampAt CKH we always aim to get it right for our residents, but we know that occasionally we will fail to meet our residents’ expectations and deliver on the service we promise. When a resident raises a complaint we aim to deal with it promptly, fairly and transparently. This policy outlines the steps we will take to resolve complaints raised against us and the actions that residents can take if they are dissatisfied with our service. 

Our commitment to you

Our aim is to deliver excellent services all the time. When we get it wrong we welcome feedback and the chance to make it right. We believe that complaints are an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and to make our services better for the future. Whenever a resident expresses dissatisfaction we will give them the choice of making a complaint. 

A resident does not have to use the word ‘complaint’ for it to be treated as such. We recognise the difference between a service request and a complaint.  A service request is defined as a request from a resident that requires action to be taken to put something right. It will usually be the first time we have been contacted about an issue and have not previously had the opportunity to investigate the concerns and agree what action we will take to resolve the issue. We record service requests and if a resident who makes a service request also lets us know that they are dissatisfied at any time with our response or actions being taken, we will raise the concerns as a complaint and continue to work to resolve the issue being reported.

A service request is a request from a resident asking us to take action to put something right, a complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction.

We will ensure that:

  1. Our process for handling complaints is easily accessible, well publicised, and easy to use.
  2. Where possible complaints will be resolved as quickly as possible and within the published timeframes below.
  3. There are no adverse effects to you as a result of making a complaint.
  4. All complaints will be dealt with in a fair and consistent way.
  5. We will keep you fully informed of progress at all stages of the complaint.
  6. You are treated fairly when you make a complaint, and that we handle your complaint sensitively and respect your privacy and confidentiality.
  7. We make sure you are aware of the Complaints Handling Code and your right to refer a complaint to the Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS).
  8. We monitor and learn from resident feedback and ensure that complaints are considered when reviewing any service the organisation provides to its residents and the performance of employees and contractors.

This policy is applicable to all residents and specifically covers complaints. A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions, or lack of action by the landlord, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting a resident or group of residents (HOS Complaint Handling Code 1.2).


How to make a complaint

When you tell us you are not happy with an aspect of our business, our policies or the actions of a member of CKH staff or contractor, we will raise a complaint. 

A complaint can be made by any of the following:  

  • Any CKH resident, service user, advocate or third-party representative on their behalf.
  • Neighbours of a resident.
  • Members of the general public.

You can make a complaint through any of our normal contact channels, including: in person, by telephone, email, LiveChat, in writing and via social media. People who wish to make a complaint can also contact the Chief Executive Office directly at

If you wish to raise an issue with us via social media we would encourage you to message us through private message channel to maintain confidentiality. We are unable to discuss any issues relating to individuals in a public forum.

If we receive a complaint in the form of a petition it will be dealt with following the normal complaints procedure, on the address of the first signatory only. The petition will be treated as one complaint and all correspondence will be addressed to the first signatory only. If the complaint reaches stage two of our complaints process and an Appeal Panel meeting is convened, the first signatory may attend the complaints panel with one other signatory only. If reasonable, details of the outcome of the complaint will be copied to each signatory on the petition once it has been fully resolved.


Our complaints process

Stage One

On receipt of a complaint the Chief Executive’s Office will register and acknowledge it within five (5) working days of the complaint being received. 

The complaint will be fully investigated and responded to by a Service Manager or Assistant Director who will respond to the complainant within ten (10) working days of the complaint being acknowledged. If, for whatever reason, this timescale is unlikely to be achieved, the Service Manager or Assistant Director will contact the complainant, advising of the reason for the delay and providing an anticipated date of response. Any extension will not be longer than 10 working days without a good reason. 

Where residents raise additional complaints during the investigation, these will be incorporated into the stage 1 response if they are related, and the stage 1 response has not been issued. Where the stage 1 response has been issued, and the new issues are unrelated to those already being investigated or it would unreasonably delay the response, then the new issues will be logged as a new complaint. 

If the complaint warrants an extensive period of investigation to resolve a problem and achieve a satisfactory outcome then they will be advised that the complaint process will be placed on hold while the investigation is on-going. 

Sometimes it is appropriate to issue a first and final response to a complaint at stage 1. If this happens, we will discuss it with the complainant. They can still take their complaint to the next stage. However, if there is no new information the response at stage 2 may be the same. 

Should the complainant not reply within this timeline, CKH will assume that the complainant is satisfied with the response and the complaint will be closed.

The aim is to resolve complaints at this stage, however if the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of stage one of the process, they will be advised to contact the Chief Executive’s Office within five (5) working days of the date of the stage one response and provide, if possible, details of why they remain unhappy and wish to escalate the complaint to stage two of the complaints process, and the redress they are seeking.

Stage Two

If the complainant remains dissatisfied with the decision made at stage one, they can escalate their complaint to stage two of the process which will be dealt with by the Resident Experience and Feedback Manager who will further investigate the complaint and consider the action taken under the stage once process in a fair and impartial manner.

The Chief Executive’s Office will register and acknowledge the stage two complaint within five (5) working days of the escalation request being received. The Resident Experience and Feedback Manager will provide the complainant with a decision within twenty (20) working days of the stage two complaint acknowledgement date. If this timescale is unlikely to be achieved, the Chief Executive’s Office will make contact to advise of the reason for the delay and provide the complainant with an anticipated date of response. Any extension must be no more than 20 working days without good reason.

Stage 2 is the landlord’s final response. The organisation will not unreasonably deny a request for a complaint to be reviewed and escalated to any of the complaint stages.

Escalation to stage 2 is however not warranted during the process if:

  1. The complainant is raising only new issues, not previously included in their complaint.
  2. The action taken is set out by legislation or regulation.
  3. Legal and or regulatory action is being taken against CKH. Where we receive correspondence initiating a pre-action protocol and legal proceedings have not yet been issued, we will be clear on how we are handling the correspondence, whether under our complaint process, a pre-action protocol or both.
  4. The complaint has previously been determined as persistent (vexatious) and is being made to intentionally cause harassment and disrupt the proper workings of the organisation.


The Housing Ombudsman Service 

We comply with all provisions set in the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code, self-assess against the Code annually and publish the outcome on our website. Where we cannot resolve a complaint through our complaints process we will signpost the complainant to the Housing Ombudsman. For further information visit the Housing Ombudsman Service website Alternatively, you can contact them by:


Post: Housing Ombudsman Service, PO Box 1484, Unit D, Preston  PR2 0ET 

Telephone: 0300 111 3000   

Complaints about any aspect of our Care Service will be dealt with according to the Care Quality Commission’s procedures.



Following a complaint being investigated and concluded, if CKH’s service has not met the specified standard and a resident has been inconvenienced or suffered financial loss as a result, they may be entitled to a compensation payment.

The amount of the payment will depend upon:

  • The nature of the problem.
  • The degree of financial loss or inconvenience caused to the resident including the time and trouble taken to raise the complaint with us.
  • The length of time the problem has been on-going.
  • Previous action taken by CKH, including any recompense made.
  • Any costs the resident has had to meet because of the problem. 

Residents will be made aware that compensation payments are accepted in full and final settlement of their claim and that further compensation in relation to the same event will not be considered.

In instances where compensation is due to a resident whose rent account is in arrears or where other monies are owed to CKH, consideration will be given to the compensation being deducted from the debt, as a breach of tenancy has occurred. In these circumstances CKH reserves the right to withhold payment and any compensation may be offset. 

The authorisation of compensation payments will be at the discretion of the relevant Service Director.

Further information:

Who is responsible for managing complaints?

The Chief Executive’s office manages the process of liaising with all service managers and directors in dealing with complaints. It will also manage the process from registration of the complaint to completion.

Legislation and regulation

This policy is written in accordance with the following regulatory and legislative requirements:

  • Housing Ombudsman Complaints Handling Code
  • Regulator of Social Housing’s Consumer Standards

Information sharing

Cross Keys Homes has an information sharing agreement with key agencies and contractors to share information in relation to the management and treatment of damp and mould and carrying out associated repairs. Information shared must be relevant and the Data Protection Procedure adhered to when handling data.

Monitoring and review

The Complaints Policy was written and approved in October 2024 and will be reviewed every year – next review October 2025.