With all the changes and challenges of the last year, it was important to us to hear from you about how you were being affected. We continued to send you texts and emails after you contacted us or used some of our services, for example, after a repair was completed, so you could tell us how we did. We’re delighted that you were really happy with the service you received and on average scored your satisfaction 4.6 out of 5. (That’s higher than last year when the average score was 4.5 out of 5.) We also measure something known as Net Promoter Score (NPS), which tells us how likely you are to recommend us to friends and family. The NPS scale runs from -100 to +100, scores under 0 need some work and scores over 0 are good. In 2020-21, you scored us +67 compared to +57 the year before. To help put that score into perspective, Aldi received a NPS of +42 last year (according to Customer Guru).
Resident involvement
We also actively look for ways you can help us shape the services you receive. Our resident involvement programme offers a range of ways to have your say, from online surveys to sitting on our Residents Board. Last year, the Residents Board successfully adapted to video meetings and we put additional IT support in place so that their role could continue even though we couldn’t meet in person. We’ve learnt a lot about moving online over the last year and we’ll be looking at how we can create more opportunities for people to get involved no matter what your age or where you live.
Using your feedback
We are eager to see as many residents as possible take advantage of the chance to get involved, but we understand that sometimes you just want to live in your home and only talk to us when you need to. We believe there’s a lot to learn from paying attention to the feedback you share every time you get in touch and make it our aim to get it right first time, every time. When that is not the case, all feedback is recorded as a Right First Time (RFT). Making a record of your feedback lets us look into what might have gone wrong and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
In 2020-21, we used your feedback to improve your experience after you report a repair by working with Mears to introduce a new system that lets you receive updates from and contact the contractor due to visit your home. We also used your feedback to review our approach to condensation and mould and are in the process of updating our policy to provide more support to clean mould and prevent problems arising. Your comments on our succession process (where someone is allowed to take on the tenancy of a home after a family member has passed away) prompted us to updated our policy to be more supportive of siblings.
We recorded 525 Right First Times in 2020-21. We responded to 91.6% of RFTs within our target of two working days, which is an increase compared to last year when we responded to 86% of RFTs on time
When we get things wrong and can’t resolve the issue at first contact, we have a clear and accessible, two-stage formal complaints policy in place. In 2020-21, we reviewed this policy in line with best practice guidance from the Housing Ombudsman to make sure the process is as simple and transparent as possible. We also completed the Ombudsman’s complaints self-assessment in autumn 2020. Find our complaints policy and the self-assessment on our contact us page.
During the year, we recorded 16 formal complaints, 12 of which were resolved at stage one, three complaints were resolved at stage two and one complaint was escalated to stage three (before the review of our complaints policy). One complaint was referred to the Housing Ombudsman.11 complaints were service related, while 4 were about policy and 1 was employee related. As a result of these complaints, we’ve updated our garage policy to make sure that we keep accurate records of the content of garages and what we do with them should we need to evict a garage tenant. We also improved the information we provide about how we investigate noise nuisance.
Performance statistics
Overall satisfaction with the services provided by CKH
2018/19 | 2019/20 | Top housing associations (2019/20) | This year | Compared to top housing associations |
90.33% | 89.63% | 90.08% | 89.63% | Nearly there |
Satisfaction that resident views are taken into account
2018/19 | 2019/20 | Top housing associations (2019/20) | This year | Compared to top housing associations |
79.43% | 77.48% | 77% | 77.48% | Where we want to be |